Sunday, January 26, 2020

Presentation on the Expansion of the Universe

Presentation on the Expansion of the Universe Good morning/afternoon, today I will be talking to you about the expanding universe. The topics that I will be covering today would be: thesis statement, Background to the Universe Expansion, what causes it to expand? what evidence are there to support it, did it start from the Big Bang? And what happens to the galaxies as it expands? These topics will be supported through the key idea; how gravity is related to the expansion of the universe? I would like to begin with my thesis statement, the universe is expanding and as the universe expands the galaxies are all moving away from each other in all directions and the once that are the farthest are moving the fastest. Does this mean that no matter what galaxy we are in, everything is expanding?, is our galaxy the milky way also expanding? Does this mean that the entire solar system is expanding? What about the things on earth? And also does the amount of matter present also increase through the expansion? The answer to all these questi on relates back to the year of 1929 when an astronomer at named Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding through the biggest telescope that was available in his time. He pointed the telescope at distant galaxies and for the first time we could see those distant galaxies and he noticed something very funny about the light from them. The light from those galaxies were red shifted which means those galaxies were moving away from us. Redshift – Hubble constant Now like sound, light travel out from its source as a wave, different colours have different wavelengths, blue light have a relatively short wavelength whereas red light have a relatively longer wavelength. Consider an object that moves away from you, as it continues to move then the wavelength of its light get stretched and moves towards the red end of the spectrum and so we call this a red shift. Every galaxy that Hubble looked at was rushing away from our galaxy Milky Way. He realised that the further away the galaxy was, the bigger the redshift of the light and that meant those galaxies were moving away from us at faster and faster speeds. It’s not that the galaxies are moving apart but it’s the fact that the entire universe is expanding, the whole of space is getting bigger. This discovery led us to an astonishing conclusion that all the matter that we see today must at one time have been in a very dense and hot region of space and that is the phase we call the Big Bang. The fate of the universe It is taken around 13 billion years for our visible universe to get to where it is today, but what does the future hold and tell us about ten years ago, cosmologist have three theories for what would happen to our universe: one the open universe – if there wasn’t enough gravity, then the universe would keep slowly expanding for ever and become infinite. Two the closed universe – that the amount of gravity in the universe would slow its expansion down until it collapses back in on itself, And three the flat universe – that there would be just a perfect amount of gravity so that the universe grows to a particular size and then stops. But then astronomers discovered something completely unexpected. The expansion of the universe is accelerating and they realised that there must be something pushing on it and we don’t know what it is, but we know it is there. In early times of 1900s, astronomers presumed that the universe was slowing down and that the gravity would hold everything down and maybe will come back and explode again and people expressed this idea with a mathematical expression that the universe is flat meaning that the universe will continue to expand slowly without ever stopping. But relatively now in this 21st century, astronomers were trying to find out that at which rate is the universe slowing down using extraordinary technologies like telescopes all around the world and observing the dark night sky and the supernovas referring to the standard brightness that relates to the distances. But what they actually discovered was that the universe is not slowing down. But it is accelerating; the universe is accelerating at its expansion and do you know why? No one knows why, no one knows why but what you hear these days is the expression dark matter or dark energy and these are mathematical concepts which explain the gravitationa l attractions of galaxies, clusters of stars and their expansion. Doesn’t it seem logical that something is out there that is causing the universe to expand, it can be considered here also on Earth but it’s the fact the we don’t know how to detect it. The Hubble diagram Now days we have the distance that Hubble measured using the sapphires and the velocity he measured using the red shift and the blue shift of the spectra. So we are scientists we like to make charts and graphs so let’s graph these two things, the galaxy velocity versus the galaxy distance and this is the chart that Hubble made. Each of the point on this graph is a unique galaxy and what you can see here is that many, in fact most of the galaxies are redshifted. Moreover, galaxies that are further away are higher redshifted than galaxies that are close. Now yes there are couple blueshifted galaxies on this plot if you look closely, and that’s alright because these are galaxies that are actually very close to us such as the Andromeda galaxy and it turns out that we are gravitationally attracted to one another, we are pulling each other in and we will in couple billion years slam into the Andromeda galaxy and will make one big new galaxy. Now we can ignore those local effe cts but the general overwhelming effect is that galaxies that recede faster from us, the more distant they are and this is the Hubble law. And this of course, is another c change in our understanding of the universe because what it suggests or supports is that instead of living in just a universe with the galaxies that are sort of hanging out and not doing much, we are actually living inside an expanding universe. The grid expanding universe representation This grid represents space and each little square is a bit of space and these little dots are the galaxies that recede in space and now galaxies are free to move through space, they do that too like I said that we are going to hit Andromeda and that’s because both galaxies are moving through space at one another. But the other thing that happens is that the galaxies move away from one another because space itself is expanding between here is space at some beginning time and here is space at a later time when the space itself has expanded. You can see that the galaxies haven’t moved relative to the grid of space but they’ve moved from one another because the space itself has gotten much larger and no matter where you are, no matter which galaxy that you are in, if you look at all the other galaxies they all appear to be moving away from you with a velocity that is proportional to their distance, so things that are moving away faster are more distant from u s. The balloon example You can also think of the example of a balloon being blown up, just imagine the surface of the balloon and there are little dots that are little galaxies all over the surface of the balloon and as you blow it up the surface itself increases and so all the little dots representing galaxies move away from all the other little dots on the surface and are accelerating in their expansion and this is the universe that we live in now. This agency that is causing this accelerating expansion is called the dark energy, so it appears that although we answered all of the big questions, we are still left with many more. We don’t know what the dark matter is but we know that it is there. What happened in the early stages of our universe? We don’t know the answer to that either. We haven’t got any clue to as what our universe is going to be doing billions of years of now, we just don’t know because we don’t understand it but with the astonishing technologies that are available to us today and through the discovery of Edwin Hubble, we know one thing for sure, the universe is expanding.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Cultural Theory Essay

Culture is an essential component for human development. Culture cannot be evaded from and its implications are of importance to the human life. In this study, I shall address the aspects of culture as presented in sculptures. A distinct sculpture will be identified and well analyzed in respect to its cultural impact to the entire human life growth and development. It will involve the contribution the cultural entities have and how culture is perceived by man. The impact of cultural change in line with the sculpture will be addressed. In this case, the sculpture in limelight was done back in 1927 and it represents a figure of a floating woman. This is an indication of the cultural aspect of gender and male chauvinism. It was assessed and described on the basis of its nature, cultural values and the overall importance. Gender sensitivity has been on the light in the current society and the sculpture assisted in analyzing the context today. In order to conceptualize this concept, let analyze the sculpture of a floating woman by Gaston Lachaise in 1927. Consider the sculpture below: Source: NGA, 2013 In regards to this sculpture, the cultural theory indicated that the issue of gender sensitivity is of much age in the society. Male chauvinism and the act of feminism have dominated the social life. As depicted in the above sculpture, the female gender had been of intimidation and not usually accorded the desired respect as social being. Exposing the female body in this sculpture shows how culture had being portraying women as the ‘object’ deserved only to perform only feminist roles assigned by the society. Essentially, this sculpture has been used in this study to depict the cultural aspects of gender disparity. The culture of the society entails artistic forms and practices and thus, the sculpture has been modeled in order to expose a cultural practice in the society. The beliefs and values that prevail in society are well represented. The culture theory represents the practices and roles of people within the society (Anderson, 2008, p. Xv). The cultural theory as Johnson (2009) surfaced from the mounting identification of the â€Å"ideological underpinnings of putative scholarly ‘objectivity’† (p. 1). The introduction of the cultural theory was necessitated by a massive swing which shifted the idea of culture in the society. The study seeks to unravel and explain why the society is conflicting over the entire risk coupled. In congruence with the sculpture, changes that have occurred to sculpture and indication that the aspects of gender and cultural values have also changed from the former tradition approach to the current modernization approach. Essentially, the culture existent in the society in which this sculpture was modeled values the different aspects which have been addressed in cultural theory specifically the aspects of gender and esthetics. The sculpture is depictive of the female gender as being more passive in the society in performing the most essentials roles in the society. This forms the basis of the beliefs that people in the society have regarding the gender are part of the culture of the society (Anderson, 2008, p. Xvi). Culture theory as from the evolution of the feminist and muted group theory have been shaping the ideas that women should be gazed no less than their male counterpart (Johnson 2009, p. 2). The beliefs that people have about the female gender are well depicted by the pose figured by the sculpture which gender as a mitigating aspect of culture. Culture theory thus outlines the specific aspects that prevail in the society. They may include gender, sexual harassment, discrimination, inferiority, and sexual torture. Although there is notable changes which have occurred in the sculpture since 1927, for example the texture as the current sculpture is more smooth (Karen 2007, p. 25), the main core purpose of the sculpture has not changed yet. There is still gender disparity and inequality in the sculpture. The changes might have occurred on the equipment and materials used in the making of the current sculpture, but the aspect of male dominance and chauvinism is still the order of the sculpture. The sculpture has being portraying some conceptualization which range from the time this sculpture was developed. Presently, the sculpture presents females as passive members of the society who are not supposed to contribute in the growth and development of the society and deserve to be doomed by the males. In this aspect, it is regarded that a male gender must be the one responsible for the major family chores and responsibilities (Karen 2007, p. 30). Leadership and economic power are majorly linked with the male gender as the female gender is considered more family and house like person. As Goodenough said, â€Å"a society’s culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members. Culture is not a material phenomenon; it does not consist of things, people, behavior, or emotions. It is rather an organization of these things. It is the form of things that people have in mind, their models for perceiving, relating, and otherwise interpreting them (1957, p. 167). The cultural theory is of much significance in this sculpture. People were culturally identified based on the importance they attach to certain roles. Through culture people attaches meanings thus causing cultural conflict. For instance, chauvinism was highly upheld in most communities across the globe. Feminism was regarded in its appropriateness. Both female and males attached similar importance to the notions that developed in the minds of the people (Karen, 2007, p. 5). Exposing the female body is culturally and traditionally perceived as a gender inequality and an act of feminism. In addition, the cultural aspects should be perceived as the structural system which is constructed in the minds of the people and has a sweeping effect (Keesing 1974, p. 78). The sculpture has being the perception of many as the indication of gender inequality and a humiliation to the female gender. To summarize, sculptures have significant roles in enhancing cultural aspects and values in the society. They communicate distinct messages across the members of the society. Currently, the roles that the female gender could not play decades back have been shared between the two genders. Thus, sculptures themselves are also currently changing in the light they are depicting both gender sharing the core roles which might only be seen as manly there before. There is cultural mix and with the evolution of much gender based theories the perception and the roles perceived to be feminist are eroding. As changes have been witnessed in the current ‘floating woman’ sculpture, it is in line ith the current cultural change as culture is dynamic. Things which were previously viewed and adopted as being of certain gender only are gradually discarded. Gender-based conflicts are reducing sustainably with much campaign of gender equality and affirmation. The current society is composed of much enlightened individuals and groups who have enabled implementation of the cultural changes that h ave occurred over time, thus making culture an entity of human social life and one cannot say that he/she does not feel the impact of culture.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ancient Aliens and Ancient Astronaut Theory - 1672 Words

Ancient Aliens and Ancient Astronaut Theory Mark P. Robertson Educational Planning Course â€Å"Critical Issue Project† Empire State College Mary Ellen Shaughnessy June 17, 2011 There has been a lot of commotion lately between both the scientific and religious communities in regards to this topic. The claims of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life visiting the Earth in ancient times and profoundly affecting the development of Human civilization, is a controversial subject, at best. Suggestions of extraterrestrials (ancient aliens and ancient astronauts) visiting the Earth in the past is supposedly connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies and religions.†¦show more content†¦Noah’s was then instructed to repopulate, and implement species back on the Earth. Looking at the Bible’s story of â€Å"Lot†, also in Genesis, Von Daniken suggests that the two â€Å"angels† who visited lot were not actually angels, but ancient astronauts, who used atomic weapons to destroy the city of Sodom. Another ancient astronaut proponent and writer, Marc Dem, totally reinterprets the Book of Genesis by claims that humanity started on another planet, and that â€Å"God† of the Holy Bible is actually a spaceman. And, in stark contrast to popular belief, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is an Extra Terrestrial, because He is essentially not of this planet. Several chapters of the Old Testament have â€Å"God† depicted as travelling with clouds of smoke and fire, along with loud, â€Å"trumpet like† sounds. The Book of Enoch tells of flying objects and beings (the Watchers) that descended from â€Å"Heaven† to Earth. Enoch is said to have been taken on journeys around the Earth in these flying objects, and even travels to the heavens. In support of the A.A.T., many theorists say that the sightings of U.F.O.’s throughout history are the actual â€Å"creators of humanity† who periodically, but in frequency, are returning to Earth to check up on their â€Å"creations†. Put aside the many proponent’s depictions and interpretations of the ancient writings and artifacts, and there is no substantially hard evidence existing to support this ancient aliens/ancient astronaut hypothesis. ThisShow MoreRelatedAncient Aliens Essay examples1235 Words   |  5 Pagesthat aliens walked the Earth in ancient times, and these theories have created quite a stir in the scientific community. Ancient alien theorists, like Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin, believe that extraterrestrials came to earth thousands of years ago. Some hypothesize that ancient aliens are responsible for ancient technological wonders, and that they helped to shape human civilization. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Problem Of Sex Addiction - 1775 Words

Many people across the world are struggling with many different types of addictions. Some people feel that sex is a major concern. In the article â€Å"Your Addicted to What? Challenging the Myth of Sex addiction†, written by Marty Klein, he states that sex is not an addiction. On the other had many other believe that it is. A multitude of people would argue that sex is not an addiction because it is something that can be controlled. We all have choices, and the choices are up to the individual to make and that choice should be don’t do it if you don’t want to get addicted. A prime example of a choice would be, alcohol. There are many people that are addicted to alcohol, however, alcohol is a choice. With addictions, people don’t realize that it is all mind over matter. Some people feel that drinking will help take the pain away. While others do it just for the high that it gives them. See it’s a choice. Could sex be put in the same category as alcohol? A multitude of people state that sex is a very enjoyable sport; that it makes them feel loved, it makes people feel comfort, and for many women, it makes them feel protected. Sex is physical, but it is also mental. Sex has the power to make someone feel emotionally attached to someone else. It has the power to change someone’s mood. Many married couples use sex as a form of unity, some feel that it is the best after trying to reconcile after a fight or etc. However the big question is, is sex addiction a real thing or is itShow MoreRelatedMy Paper649 Words   |  3 PagesSex addicts come from dysfunctional families and 90 % of them suffer emotional abuse, 70% physical abuse, and 81% sexual abuse (Miller, 2005). This paper will give a summary on the form of sex addiction. In addition, this will discuss the addiction, sex addiction behaviors, and the treatment. What is sex addiction? Sex addiction is when an individual has strong intense sex desires. 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